In What to Look for When Considering a Digital Printer, Part 1, we discussed the importance of...
7 Reasons to Invest in a Heat Press
If you're looking for a way to take your business to the next level, investing in a heat press is a great option. It's a versatile tool that can help you create a wider variety of products.
Here are seven reasons why you should and need to invest in a heat press. Let's get right into them.
Table of Contents
- Not Just for T-Shirts
- Save Time
- Save Money
- Temperature Control
- Consistent Pressure
- Durability
- Professional Results
1. Not Just for T-Shirts
While heat presses are often used for t-shirts, hoodies, and sweatshirts, they can be used for a multitude of different items.
You can make keychains, hats, bags, mugs, cushions, phone cases, and more. The heat press isn't a one-trick pony. You can do and get a lot out of it.
2. Save Time
It doesn't take long to learn how to use your new heat press and the preparation time for making products is even shorter.
Once you're up to speed, big orders will take no time at all. The more adept you become at it, the faster the process becomes and before you know it you’ve filled several orders without too much fuss.
3. Save Money
A heat press will pay for itself over time because of the low cost-per garment, and only having to order a few items here and there to keep running.
Additionally, your creations will look professional and well-made, making them more desirable. Score!
4. Temperature Control
Every piece of fabric has its own ideal pressing temperature. Other methods of heat transfer like irons can’t tell you how hot they are. Not knowing the exact temperature can lead to melting or some areas not getting hot enough to adequately adhere.
A heat press allows for even heat distribution and lets you know the exact temperature at which you're pressing. You'll avoid messing up a design or shirt fabric.
5. Consistent Pressure
With a heat press, you have control over just how much pressure is put on the garment. Without consistent, even pressure the design can fall off after months instead of years.
Other methods of heat transfer won’t be able to tell you how much pressure you’re applying or for how long. There's a timer built into the heat press.
With consistent, timed, and even pressure, the finished product will look sharp and expertly made.
6. Durability
Cheaper heat presses will get you by, but investing in the right heat press will benefit you way more in the long run.
Cheaper heat presses can lose the ability to evenly distribute pressure and heat, making transferring your design nearly impossible. That only leads to frustration and in the end leaves both you and your customer unsatisfied.
Spending the extra money on a higher-grade heat press can mean the difference between only a year of quality creations versus multiple years of quality creations.
7. Professional Results

With a heat press, your designs will look professional and polished every time, making it perfect for small businesses or home-based entrepreneurs looking to add a new revenue stream.
Heat presses are versatile and produce quality products. Saving money and time is essential to any business and both are possible with a quality heat press. The choice to invest in a heat press or not to invest in a heat press is easy. Get one already!
Shop heat presses from B-Flex and Geo-Knight.